Amestoy Hotel, built in 1887, by Domingo Amestoy.
Built in 1887 by Domingo Amestoy, the structure was Los Angeles'
first brick office building and the first to have an elevator.
Amestoy Hotel – on left. U.S. Hotel, on right. Photo cir. 1938.
Note that the photo also shows a lounge called the Stake Out. This was a favorite hangout for police officers as it was across from headquarters, which was then located in City Hall.
Amestoy Hotel, on left. U.S. Hotel, on right. Photo taken 1937.
Domingo Amestoy built this hotel in 1887.
It was the third largest hotel built in Los Angeles.
Amestoy Hotel, Built 1887
(original file from CD: "Amestoy Hotel, built 1887.docx", 11/14/2015)
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Michael A. Mahoney
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